Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Lied...

On my last post I spoke to soon saying Rowen never cries...oh he has found his lungs and is not afraid to use them!  Poor guy had his first experience of crying it out last night...I have to give it to him that he has some stamina; he cried from 5 to 6:30 in the morning, but eventually wore himself out.  Praying tonight goes a little better for him.  Hear comes those lungs...more to come!


Mark, Shannon,Trey, Boston, & Lola said...

Did you let him cry it out on his own or were you holding him and he would not stop? If you let him alone--I am jealous of your strength!!! LOL

Filleman Family said...

"cry it out" - tell me you were holding him - he is only minutes old!!! you can't do any permanent damage at this stage from holding them to help them sleep - he is a sweet heart . . . a quick blog tip - you are required to post a new picture of him every time you blog so we can see that little pumpkin (even if the picture isn't related to the post:) !!!!!!!

Littell Family said...

ok I held him for an hour and he wouldn't stop, so yes I put him in his crib and let him cry...actually we both cried but he slept like a champ last night in his crib.

Mark, Shannon,Trey, Boston, & Lola said...

Oh Cass--I remember when Trey would cry bloody murder in the car (for the 1st 3 months) and sometimes I would just cry with him the whole ay home-LOL-but at least now I can look back and laugh at it